Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ottawa Regional Science Fair Registration Opens

The registration for this year's Science Fair has opened - and they will continue to accept registrations until March 31, 2010. The link to the website for all information is at
The site for the Ottawa Regional Fair is Hillcrest HS, and the date is Saturday, April 10 (set up in the evening of Apr 9). The Canada wide Science Fair is being hosted in Peterborough this year, in May. Congratulations to all students who entered the Science Fair last year - please see the list of winners below.

There is support available for the students, through either VROC (virtual researcher on call, or through mentoring matches with experts in different fields in the community. VROC can be used by anyone with their class, separate from Science Fair support as well - many different topics are available, and many researchers are volunteering their time to do this.

Please see Mrs. Barker-Whyte in Room 201 if you are interested in participating in this activity.