Friday, November 6, 2009

Fwd: Earth Angels Free Environmental Programs

Earth Angels, a registered environmental charity, is signing up schools across Ontario now for its free environmental programs to green schoolyards, reduce pollution, fight climate change and help children learn more abo ut the impact of pollution on the environment.

Earth Angels’ schoolyard-based Butterfly Garden Program, and Student Energy Challenge provide schools and school children across Ontario with the chance to partner lessons about pollution, climate change, energy conservation, and the environment, with hands-on action and achievement. Earth Angels supplies teachers with the in-class educational modules and activities as well as the materials to complete the Program and make a lasting positive impact on the environment.

About Us
Environmental Earth Angels is a registered environmental charity that has been providing hands-on environmental programs to school children across the province for 16 years. Earth Angels has worked with over 850,000 school children with Programs that have removed over 650 tonnes of pollution from the air and ground. For more information about Earth Angels, and our environmental programs please visit:

For More Information Contact:
Jason Walters, Program Manager
(416)421-5551 ext. 221 or
Or visit us online at

Wendy Lee, BCom, CSC
Executive Director
Environmental Earth Angels
122 Laird Drive, #206
Toronto, Ontario
M4G 3V3
(416)421-5551 ext 222
Fax: (416)421-7647

Please contact Mrs. Barker-Whyte in Room 201 if you are interested.