Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fwd: FORUM for Young Canadians - Spend a week on Parliament Hill. Learn how gover

The FORUM experience brings students to Ottawa for a one-week intensive academic adventure that immerses them in the exciting world of national politics and public affairs.

FORUM is a bilingual, nonpartisan and AMAZING program to develop leadership and to learn about parliamentary democracy, how government works and how YOUR STUDENTS can make a difference in shaping CanadaĆ¢€™s future.

WHO: Up to 125 students (aged 15-19) from across Canada, at each session. Groups of 15 students are escorted and supervised throughout by adult Team Leaders. Since 1976, over 16,000 students have lived the FORUM experience.
WHERE: In Ottawa, CanadaĆ¢€™s capital. Most seminars and simulations are held on Parliament Hill. [Accommodations are in a downtown hotel.]
WHEN: Students participate in one of four sessions, in February, March or April. Each session is 5-days long. Application forms are now available online for the Spring 2010 sessions at Space is limited. NOW is the Time to Apply!

Apply to FORUM Today!